How To Play?
1. Each team has a quota of killing 2 people total! If you fail to meet that quota, you have to sacrifice one player from your team. You are able to revive a player if you kill a whole team. By that being said, if a team only has one person left and you succeeded at killing the last team, you get the revive, not the team who shot the most players on the team.
2. Once your whole team is eliminated, you are out of the game!
3. Please watch out for Nerf Free Zones! They are confusing but double check before you go hunting!
4. You need to video the kills OR have the player you shot confirm that they got shot!
5. Please take a picture of the person who got hunted with the hunter who shot them!
6. Be respectful of boundaries and people!
7. If you shoot someone who is hunting you, they are stunned for 24 hours. You can only kill people from the team you're assigned to hunt!
8. Nora and Ava's word is the FINAL say!