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These rules are constantly changing. If you get out and a rule changes a day later regarding the situation of you getting shot, it doesn't mean you're back in. If you get shot and the shooter breaks the rules and you don't bring it up then you are out. Nora and Ava aren't going to pay too much attention to the kills unless there is a disagreement. If you are doing something illegal that is NOT specified in the rules but is literally illegal, you will IMMEDIATELY be out of the game, no questions, no arguments, no complaints.


  • All PSD and TCC locations are nerf-free; if the gun is in your car, it must be hidden

  • Athletes are protected at ALL away games

  • Respect all no nerf zones

  • Garages are off limits to go INSIDE. You must be welcomed IN. If you shoot from outside into the garage, that is fine.

  • If a non-participant asks you to leave, respect and comply with their request

General Rules

  • Nerf wars is an honesty based game, if a team cannot figure out a dispute on their own, talk to Nora and Ava. But please do not go to Nora and Ava before talking to the other team.

  • Be respectful of all property, if you damage anything, you are held responsible

  • By NO means should you be messing with peoples personal possessions, vehicles, or houses.​​

  • Can NOT enter a car without being welcomed in by AN owner of the car (ex: parent or sibling)

  • NO Blocking people in! It has become too big of a problem and is no longer allowed.

  • If you are in a neighborhood, BE QUIET! Don't want more roads becoming nerf free.

  • No destruction of peoples properties. This includes houses, yards, and cars.

  • ABSOLUTELY DO NOT bring personal things from peoples lives to black mail them in the game.

  • If you get in trouble with the law or the school, it is on you, GH Nerf Wars is not responsible for any of actions

  • No stealing

  • Do not enter a house unless you are welcomed in by a family member or guest

  • You may not block garage doors or climb in windows, but you may shoot through them

  • You may not use nerf wars as an excuse to be late to school

  • Nora and Ava have the power to remove anyone from the game at any time

Nerf Guns

  • You can use any brand gun only if you are able to use the standard size nerf bullets!

  • NO modifications that will give you an advantage (things that were not on the gun when bought) to guns or bullets allowed (ex: scopes, red dot laser etc) Things that are okay are cameras, and flashlights.

  • No ball or disc shooters and no shields (unless it is another person or your gun)

  • NO fully automatic guns

  • NO throwing or tapping people with darts

  • ONLY standard size bullets are allowed

  • Battery charged guns are okay (Semi- Automatic)

Killing and Grace Period

  • Each week, every team will hunt two teams and be hunted by two teams

  • If you get shot, you are out and considered "dead"

  • You have to have either, evidence of your shooting, a confirmation from the person that was shot that they were shot, over 2 witnesses. If yo can't come up with either, there needs to be a mutual agreement.

  • There is a 10 minute grace period BEFORE the set of an event (ex: school, work, sports). The 10 minute grace period starts AFTER they leave the parking lot of their event. This does not account for Lunch or skipping school.

  • The grace period begins when you are ALLOWED to leave the activity not necessarily when you are SCHEDULED to, this is to protect those who do not have a set end time or have to stay later for any reason

  • You cannot be shot if you are FULLY naked on your or a teammate's property

Rules: List
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2022 Nerf Wars

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